(Raizing / Eighting 1998)

What it does Shows up score calculations
Code Hold [Start] [B]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button
3. Press button [B]

A '?' should appear left of the level name and the score numbers start themselves listing at the left side of the screen.
To leave the score mode, re-enter the code

Credits: the Sheep

What it does Changes the speed of enemy bullets
Code Hold [Start] [A] or Hold [Start] [C] / Hold [Start] [UP] *

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button
3. Tap [A] to increase enemy bullet speed / Tap [C] to decrease enemy bullet speed

The # number left of the 'round' shows the current bullet speed. Bullet speeds can be 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 (default), 30

* The "[C]-less" version of this code works in Revision B only

Credits: the Sheep

What it does NML type: Changes the color of the laser type enemy bullets. (most common shots)
Code Hold [Start] [RIGHT]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button
3. Tap Joystick right

The current bullet color will be indicated right below the level name.

4. Continue tapping to choose between 6 different colors.

What it does BAL type: Changes the color of spherical type enemy bullets. (special shots)
Code Hold [Start] [LEFT]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button
3. Tap Joystick left

The current bullet color will be indicated right below the level name.

4. Continue tapping to choose between 6 different colors.

What it does MSL type: Changes the color of elipsoid type enemy bullets. (destructable shots)
Code Hold [Start] [DOWN]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button
3. Tap Joystick down

The current bullet color will be indicated right below the level name.

4. Continue tapping to choose between 6 different colors.

Credits: the Sheep

What it does Set your own shooting frequency

If you just hold the [A] button for auto shooting, you will recognize gaps in your "shooting stream". To create a more regular frequency, you can do this:

Start shooting by continuous pressing the [A] button (oldskool type) and change to holding the button later. So it memorizes your shooting frequency. Your autofire continues with the same speed you shot before by tapping.

Credits: Steven Ives & the Sheep

What it does Slows down the whole gameplay - works only if game is set to invincible (DIP switches)
Code Hold [Start]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Hold [Start] button

The game will slow down. The message "slow !?" appears on the screen.

Credits: the Sheep

What it does pauses the game - works only if game is set to invincible (DIP switches)
Code [Start]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Press [Start] button

The game will stop. The message "pause !" appears on the screen.
To continue just press [Start] again.

Credits: the Sheep

What it does loads game's end credits - works only if game is set to invincible (DIP switches)
Code [1P Start] + [2P Start]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. Press both [Start] buttons together

The game aborts immediately and the end credits appear. It depends on your game mode (normal or advance) if this would be one character screen followed by the staff roll, or the chosen characters individual story endings.

To skip the credits press [Start].

Credits: the Sheep

What it does Turns your fighter into a hell of a warbird !
works only if you have 'Single Select' & 'Guest Players' enabled (See unlock secrets)
Refered Items

1. Select 'Advance' game mode
2. Select 'Single Select'
3. Select Gain's Mahou ship from the guest players
4. Play without collecting any options until a 1UP item appears
5. Let the 1UP item pass
6. Collect the next option item
Your ship instantly morphs into a three times bigger version with a very powerfull weaponary containing Gain's typical sword laser as well as homing missile knives. This ship is called 'Galaxy Valhallyzer'

Credits: Matt, Raizingfan & the Sheep

What it does how to throw your razorblades - Tag-T character only
Code [B] Hold [Direction] [B]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. press [B] button to release the razorblades
3. hold your joystick to the direction you want to throw the blades
4. press [B] button again
Instead of just rotating around your machine, the blades will move away from you to the chosen direction.

Credits: the Sheep

What it does how to choose the direction of the napalm attack - Battle Garegga plane Silver Sword only
Code Hold [Direction] [B]

1. Start from anywhere in the game
2. hold your joystick to the opposite direction you want to aim the napalm attack
3. press [B] button

Instead of just forward, the napalm will be released to opposite direction you chose. This is helpful if you flee from enemies. So you can move to the right side (in example) and destroy your hunters with an aimed napalm attack to the left.

Credits: the Sheep