Armed Police Batrider
is a quite unique game from Raizing, that doesn't fit the common shooter
genre very well. First of all it plays neither in a classic war, nor
it is it a game with spaceships and stuff. I guess, a futuristic police
& crime topic describes it closely. So the most stages show utopian
city environments with all those shooter typical, exaggerated mech-robots
stalking and flying between cars and buildings. Boring, you think ?
Not at all. Let Raizing and Eighting do such a game, and you won't be
One or two
player set up a team of 3 (the number depends on the DIP settings) different
futuristic, hover-cycles. You read correctly: This game uses the 'Team
Edit' mode as the default option. 9 different characters are selectable.
Your bike comes with a very powerful standard weapon, which is upgradeable
by items. To complete the weaponary of your machine you should pick
up some option items. Unlike in Battle Bakraid, their formations are
not changeable. The [B] button releases an eye-catching smartbomb which
is unique for each verhicle as well.
Batrider comes with 3 different game modes (training - 3 stages, normal
course - 5 stages and advanced course - 7 stages) and with 3 selection
modes for your characters: One offers Pre-selected teams, another allows
you to set up your team freely and a third one uses a random system
which includes secret characters, even if they are not unlocked with
a code.
Talking of codes; this game contains probably the biggest amount of
hidden stuff ever seen in an arcade shooter. Check out our secrets page
how to unlock 9 selectable guest players featuring the Mahou and the
Battle Garegga team, boss modes, single edit selection, hidden mini
stages with tons of additional bosses, Gain's dream machine and much
Batrider is a colorful, many sided arcade game experience with the potential
to keep you playing it for a long time. Maybe the best Raizing game
of all.

- [the sheep] in 2002