is an original english language Version of Donpachi
to use these Romsets with your PCB:
Your Donpachi PCB should have 2 socketed EPROMs (27c020 U58 & 27c4002 U29). Both are relevant for
swapping the revision: Unpack the files from the zip archive and burn them on new, compatible type EPROMs, using
an EPROM programmer. It should work by reburning the old EPROMs too, if
you properly erase them first.
hints: You can remove an eprom from a socket by sticking a flat screwdriver
between eprom and socket and then rotate it carefully until it lifts both
sides of pins out of their slots. Always keep an eye on the correct direction
whenever you place a eprom into a socket (Make that small gap at one side
of the chip, fit to the markings on the PCB) |